lundi 9 mars 2020

Présidente de séance plénière à la conférence annuelle IBA/IFA Convention in DC in May 2020 #Arbitration #International #Franchising with a 2020 VISION

Pour la première fois cette année je vais présider une séance plénière, lors de la Conférence annuelle conjointe de l'IBA et IFA à Washington DC les 5 et 6 mai 2020. Un programme intéressant !


I'll be Chairing for the first time a Plennary Session at the next joint convention of the IBA and IFA in Washington DC, on May 5th and 6th, 2020.

Plenary 2: Data Privacy in the World (GDPR and Not GDPR)Franchise networks increasingly collect personal data, which has great value, but triggers questions about data privacy. Now, the world is divided between GDPR and non-GDPR countries. This session will explore the legal and technical challenges, costs and benefits associated with compliance in GDPR countries and non-GDPR countries. As the number of privacy laws has grown from about 20 to 100 in recent years, this panel intends to explore the existing practices. This panel will share about burning issues amongst which how to transfer data to non-GDPR-countries in compliance with GDPR, how to structure a GDPR-compliant data flow in masterfranchise structures, how to divide up responsibilities between franchisor, masterfranchisees, franchisees and the end customer, best practices and how to protect the data pertaining to the franchise networks. 
Session Chair:Olivia Gast, GAST Avocats, Paris, France 
Speakers: Lynne Lewis, Bird and Bird, Sydney, Australia; Marco Hero, Scheidermair RetchtsanWälte, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
 We'll be writing a paper with some great colleagues. I'll let you know!

Link to the Event Brochure

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